The Legal Use of Force
Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals
Course Prerequisite: N/A
Course Description:
This course teaches the legalities of use of force, what it means, and to provide information on the law-abiding individual’s right to self-defense. This course prepares the student to get their CCW and License to Carry.
Please Note: This course is a requirement in many cities/towns.
Course Topics:
Reasonable Force
Deadly Force
The Use of Force Continuum
How Will a Prosecutor Evaluate Your Case?
Defense of the Home
Defense of Property
Equipment Needed:
Notebook & Pen
Positive Attitude
Valid Driver's License or Government Issued Identification
Course Duration: 3 Hours
Cost: $100.00 Per Student
Course Location: 5 John L Dietsch Square, North Attleborough, MA 02763
Additional Information:
​For Additional Information on Private Instruction or when this course will be available,
Please Contact a Representative from our Patriot Team.