Concealed Carry Part 1-Introduction
Course Prerequisites: Essential Skills Course
Course Description:
This course is the first in a series of courses for the shooter who is considering carrying a concealed firearm for self defense. The course is designed to give students a solid foundation of knowledge in the concealed carry of firearms. This course is a prerequisite for our Concealed Carry II class.
Course Topics:
Live fire
Practical application of drawing techniques
Practical shooting
Equipment Needed:
100 rounds (Reloads/Re-manufactured Ammunition not allowed)
Center-fire Pistol
Ear Protection
Eye Protection
Notebook & Pen
Positive Attitude
Minimum of 2 Magazines and Appropriate Magazine Belt pouches (optional)
Sneakers/Boots (NO Dress Shoes, Flip Flops, Open Toed or Sandals)
Strong side belt holster (OWB-IWB)
Valid Driver's License or Government Issued Identification
Course Duration: 5 Hours
Cost: $200.00 Per Student
Course Location: 5 John L Dietsch Square, North Attleborough, MA 02763
Additional Information:
​For Additional Information on Private Instruction or when this course will be available,
Please Contact a Representative from our Patriot Team.