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Active Shooter: Critical Incident Casualty Care

Course Prerequisite: N/A


Course Description

This course adapts the principles of Tactical Combat Casualty Care to prepare the Responsibly Armed Citizen who may have the need to treat gunshot wounds, blast injuries and other forms of trauma. The course focuses how to manage and respond to the trauma until professional medical help arrives. Upon completion of the course all students receive a stocked Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK) with a $100.00 retail value, Courtesy of Patriot Consulting Services Inc.  This course offers 5.5 CEU's (Continuing Education Units).


Course Topics:

  • Airway Management & Obstruction

  • Casualty Evacuation 

  • Chest Seal Application

  • Head Injury & Hemorrhage Control 

  • History of TCCC

  • Hypothermia

  • Individual First Aid Kits(IFAK)-Choosing/Stocking for the home, car, etc. 

  • MARCH vs ABC 

  • Mindset 

  • Needle Decompression

  • Patient movement, stabilization & transport

  • Pneumothorax practical exercises of Trauma Care 

  • Proper application of Tourniquets (1 & 2 handed) 

  • Shock

  • Sucking Chest Wounds: Recognition and Treatment

  • Trauma 

  • Types of Survivable Wounds & Wound Packing


Equipment Needed:

  1.  Notebook & Pen

  2.  Positive Attitude

  3.  Sneakers/Boots (NO Dress Shoes, Flip Flops, Open Toed or Sandals)

  4.  Valid Driver's License or Government Issued Identification


Course Duration: 6 Hours


Cost: $250.00 Per Student


Course Location: 5 John L Dietsch Square, North Attleborough, MA 02763


Additional Information:​

For Additional Information on Private Instruction or when this course will be available, 
Please Contact a Representative from our Patriot Team.

Email us here for more information

Purchase Course Tickets for upcoming date(s) here

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